Submissions from 2024
Bluebook vs. ALWD, Joshua Levine
The Challenge of Legal Citation Systems, Joshua Levine
Practice Makes Perfect – or at Least Better!, Joshua Levine
New Study Shows Legal Research Platform AI Tools Do, In Fact, Hallucinate, Olivia Smith Schlinck
The Seminar Paper Topics Graveyard, Olivia Smith Schlinck
Legal Research and the Declining Usefulness of Google Search, Olivia Smith Schlinck
Book Review: Connecticut Legal Research [2nd] by Anne Rajotte & Jessica Rubin, Joshua Levine
Book Review: Hawai‘i Legal Research by Victoria Szymczak, Cory Lenz, and Roberta Woods, Joshua Levine
Submissions from 2023
‘Tis the Season for Finals & Study Aids, Olivia Smith Schlinck
The 80/20 Rule for Legal Research, Olivia Smith Schlinck
A New Adventure: Time Blocking & Time Tracking, Olivia Smith Schlinck
Book Bans, Academic Freedom, and the Academic Law Library: Reflections on an AALL Discussion Den, Olivia Smith Schlinck
Law Librarians, Let’s Talk About Book Banning, Olivia Smith Schlinck
Oh No, Another ChatGPT Post: Incorporating AI-Powered Chatbots into Legal Research Exercises and Assignments, Olivia Smith Schlinck
Which Office Essentials are Actually Essential? I Relocated to the Conference Room to Find Out!, Olivia Smith Schlinck
Submissions from 2022
The “Food Blog” Scroll and Its Impact on Online Legal Research, Olivia Smith Schlinck
Academic Law Librarian Credentials and Student Loan Debt, Olivia Smith Schlinck
We’re All Historical Researchers Now: The Impact of Dobbs on Legal Research Instruction, Olivia Smith Schlinck
Using “Live” Assignments for Formative Assessment, Olivia Smith Schlinck
How I’m Spending My Summer (Getting Acclimated to the Physical Workplace), Olivia Smith Schlinck
Using the “Scholarship as Conversation” Frame to Explain the Importance of Inclusive Citation, Olivia Smith Schlinck
On the Academic Librarian Pay Disparity, Olivia Smith Schlinck
Academic Law Librarians Are Paid 47% Less Than Their Faculty Counterparts, Olivia Smith Schlinck
Introducing the Dispute Financing Library – A Free Online Resource, Ingrid Mattson
Submissions from 2021
“Pandemic Brain,” Burnout, and 2022, Olivia Smith Schlinck
Dare to Dream: How Would You Teach 1Ls Legal Research with No Restrictions?, Olivia Smith Schlinck
Law Students, COVID-19, and Big Feelings, Olivia Smith Schlinck
Researching the History of 55 Fifth Avenue, Ingrid Mattson