Submissions from 1995
The Legality of Humanitarian Intervention, Malvina Halberstam
Legal Emotion: The Women's Story in Totem and Taboo, Arthur J. Jacobson
Legal Emotion: The Women's Story in Totem and Taboo, Arthur J. Jacobson
Law, Force, and the Russian Media, Monroe E. Price
The Identity of the Constitutional Subject, Michel Rosenfeld
The Identity of the Constitutional Subject, Michel Rosenfeld
The Vestal and the Fasces: Property and the Feminine In Law and Psychoanalysis, Jeanne L. Schroeder
The Vestal and the Fasces: Property and the Feminine in Law and Psychoanalysis, Jeanne L. Schroeder
Freud as Law Professor: An Alternative History, Charles Yablon
Freud as Law Professor: An Alternative History, Charles M. Yablon
ETI, Phone the Department of Labor: Economically Targeted Investments, IB 94-1 and the Reincarnation of Industrial Policy, Edward A. Zelinsky
Submissions from 1994
Environmental Performance Review: Self-Regulation in Environmental Law, Eric Bregman and Arthur Jacobson
The Religious Freedom Restoration Act: Letting the Fox Into the Henhouse Under Cover of Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment, Marci A. Hamilton
Women, Law, and Inequality: Rethinking International Human Rights, Mary Elizabeth Bartholomew and Drucilla Cornell
On the Relevance of the Admissibility of Scientific Evidence: Tort System Outcomes Are Principally Determined by Lawyers’ Rates of Return, Lester Brickman
Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc.: Epistemiology and Legal Process, Margaret G. Farrell
Nationalism and the Right to Self-Determination: The Arab-Israeli Conflict, Malvina Halberstam
DNA and Daubert, Barry C. Scheck
Adequate Protection Payments and the Surrender of Cash Collateral in Chapter 11 Reorganization, David G. Carlson
Doctor Duxbury’s Cure: Or, a Note on Legal Historiography, Peter Goodrich
Living with the Ban on Nonrefundable Retainers: Cooperman's Scope, Meaning and Consequences, Lester Brickman and Lawrence A. Cunningham
Rewiring the First Amendment: Meaning, Content and Public Broadcasting, Donald W. Hawthorne and Monroe E. Price
Settle or Sue: What Else Can I Do?, Lela P. Love
Decriminalizing Prostitution: Liberalization or Dehumanization, Jeanne L. Schroeder
The True Story: Response to Five Essayists, Richard Weisberg
Tax Policy v. Revenue Policy: Qualified Plans, Tax Expenditures, and the Flat, Plan Level Tax, Edward A. Zelinsky
Submissions from 1993
Unfunded Mandates, Hidden Taxation, and the Tenth Amendment: On Public Choice, Public Interest, and Public Services, Edward A. Zelinsky
Life as an Intrinsic Rather Than Instrumental Good: The “Spiritual” Case Against Euthanasia, J. David Bleich
Jacob Burns and the Institute for Advanced Legal Studies, David G. Carlson
Imposing Unified Executive Branch Statutory Interpretation, Michael Herz
In Appreciation of Jack Burns, Frank J. Macchiarola
Introduction, John O. McGinnis
Models of the Opinion Function of the Attorney General: A Normative, Descriptive, and Historical Prolegomenon, John O. McGinnis
Executive Autonomy, Judicial Authority and the Rule of Law: Reflections on Constitutional Interpretation and the Separation of Powers, Michel Rosenfeld
Security Interests on Exempt Personal Property: Their Fate in Bankruptcy, David G. Carlson
The Classification Veto in Single-Asset Cases under Bankruptcy Code Section 1129(a)(10), David G. Carlson
On the Margins of Microeconomics, David G. Carlson
Judaism and Postmodernism, Suzanne Last Stone
The 1990 New York City Districting Commission: Renewed Opportunity for Participation in Local Government or Race-Based Gerrymandering?, Frank J. Macchiarola and Joseph G. Diaz
Restraints on Alienation of Human Capital, Stewart E. Sterk
Postpetition Security Interests under the Bankruptcy Code, David G. Carlson
In Pursuit of the Counter-Text: The Turn to the Jewish Legal Model in Contemporary American Legal Theory, Suzanne Last Stone
Moral Debate and Semantic Sleight of Hand, J. David Bleich
Purchase Money Under The Uniform Commercial Code, David G. Carlson
Gynaetopia: Feminine Genealogies of Common Law, Peter Goodrich
The Copenhagen Document: Intervention in Support of Democracy, Malvina Halberstam
The Myth That Israel's Presence in Judea and Samaria Is Comparable to Iraq's Presence in Kuwait, Malvina Halberstam
Playing by the Rules by Frederick Schauer, Marci A. Hamilton
The Moment of Constitutional Opportunity, Marci A. Hamilton