Submissions from 2002
The Application of the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act to an Action Against the French Railroad for Transporting Thousands of Jews and Others to Their Deaths: Abrams v. SNCF, Malvina Halberstam
Government Officials as Attorneys and Clients: Why Privilege the Privileged?, Melanie B. Leslie
Precis of The Mismeasure of Desire: The Science, Theory and Ethics of Sexual Orientation, Edward D. Stein
Reply to Martha Nussbaum and Ian Hacking, Edward D. Stein
How the Electoral College Imitates the World Series, Michael Herz
Intergroup Rivalry, Anti-Competitive Conduct and Affirmative Action, Michelle Adams
Hegel’s Theory of Quantity, David G. Carlson
Rulemaking, Michael Herz
The Supreme Court In Real Time: Haste, Waste, And Bush v. Gore, Michael Herz
How Extra-Copyright Protection of Databases Can Be Constitutional, Justin Hughes
Solving the Apprendi Puzzle, Kyron Huigens
Lord Elgin and the Ottomans: The Question of Permission, David Rudenstine
Toward the Formation of "Innocence Commissions" in America, Barry C. Scheck and Peter J. Neufeld
Economic Rationality, Empathy, and Corporate Responsibility, Jeanne L. Schroeder
Evaluating the Sex Discrimination Argument for Lesbian and Gay Rights, Edward D. Stein
Restoring Politics to the Commerce Clause: The Case for Abandoning the Dormant Commerce Clause Prohibition of Discriminatory Taxation, Edward A. Zelinsky
Submissions from 2001
Evaluating the Sex Discrimination Argument for Lesbian and Gay Rights, Edward D. Stein
Are Tax "Benefits" for Religious Institutions Constitutionally Dependent on Benefits for Secular Entities?, Edward A. Zelinsky
In Defense of Making Government Pay: The Deterrent Effect of Constitutional Tort Remedies, Myriam E. Gilles
Cross-Testing, Nondiscrimination, and New Comparability: A Rejoinder to Mr. Orszag and Professor Stein, Edward A. Zelinsky
Is Cross-Testing a Mistake: Cash Balance Plans, New Comparability Formulas, and the Incoherence of the Nondiscrimination Norm, Edward A. Zelinsky
The Cash Balance Controversy Revisited: Age Discrimination and Fidelity to Statutory Text, Edward A. Zelinsky
Representational Standing: U.S. ex rel. Stevens and the Future of Public Law Litigation, Myriam E. Gilles
The Law of White Spaces: Race, Culture, and Legal Education, Peter Goodrich and Linda G. Mills
Reading the Clean Air Act After Brown & Williamson, Michael Herz
Mandatory Fee Arbitration Under New York's Matrimonial Rules, Lester Brickman
Avoidance Theory According to Steve Nickles, David G. Carlson
Hegel’s Theory of Quality, David G. Carlson
Duncan Kennedy as I Imagine Him: The Man, the Work, His Scholarship, and the Polity, Peter Goodrich
Rhetoric and Somatics: Training the Body to do the Work of Law, Peter Goodrich
Who is Entitled to Own the Past, Ashton Hawkins, David Korzenik, and David Rudenstine
Law, Economics, and the Skeleton of Value Fallacy, Kyron Huigens
Liability for Increased Risk of Harm: A Lawyer's Response to Professor Shafer, Melanie B. Leslie
The Newness of New Technology, Monroe E. Price
A Tale of Three Documents: Lord Elgin and the Missing, Historic 1801 Ottoman Document, David Rudenstine
The Rightness and Utility of Voluntary Repatriation, David Rudenstine
Preventing the Execution of the Innocent: Testimony Before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Barry C. Scheck
Just So Stories: Posnerian Methodology, Jeanne L. Schroeder
Submissions from 2000
Reinventing Structural Reform Litigation: Deputizing Private Citizens in the Enforcement of Civil Rights, Myriam E. Gilles
Asset Protection Trusts: Trust Law's Race to the Bottom?, Stewart E. Sterk
Section 1983 Custom Claims and the Code of Silence, Myriam E. Gilles
The Cash Balance Controversy, Edward A. Zelinsky
Breaking the Code of Silence: Rediscovering "Custom" in Section 1983 Municipal Liability, Myriam E. Gilles
The Truth about the New Value Exception to Bankruptcy’s Absolute Priority Rule, David G. Carlson and Jack F. Williams
Amatory Jurisprudence And the Querelle Des Lois, Peter Goodrich
International Human Rights and Domestic Law Focusing on U.S. Law, with Some Reference to Israeli Law, Malvina Halberstam
Rethinking the Penalty Phase, Kyron Huigens
The Costs of Confidentiality and the Purpose of Privilege, Melanie B. Leslie
ADR: An Eclectic Array of Processes, Rather than One Eclectic Process, Lela P. Love and Kimberlee K. Kovach
Comment: Human Rights, Nationalism, and Multiculturalism in Rhetoric, Ethics, and Politics: A Pluralist Critique, Michel Rosenfeld