Submissions from 2023
Wrong Search at the Wrong Time: Keyword Search Warrants and the Fourth Amendment, Nicole Chan
Submissions from 2022
Twenty Yards From the End Zone: ADR, and the Potential for Greater Levels of Gender Equality in Professional Sports Employment, Elan Kirshenbaum
Mechanical Licenses and The Willing Buyer/Willing Seller Standard: Establishing Royalty Rates in a Vacuum of Knowledge, Natalie Linn
What’s Going On? An Overview of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Dispute Resolution Initiatives in New York, Robyn Weinstein and Michelle Lavrichenko
Submissions from 2021
Toward a Rights-based Model of Economic Sanctions, Seyed Mohsen Rowhani
Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: How New York's Bail Reform Saga Tiptoes Around Addressing Economic Inequality, Daniel Chasin
Submissions from 2020
Strategies for Emergency Release of Incarcerated People during Covid-19 Outbreak, Sara Alvarez, Andrew Kopke, Mariel Stein, and Meg Tiley
Submissions from 2018
The Search for Third Options in a Two-Bathroom Society, Sharon R. Cruz
Submissions from 2017
Holocaust-Era Art Restitution Claims: Is the HEAR Act a Game Changer?, Rachel Sklar
Submissions from 1994
The Priority of Postpetition Retainers, Carve-Outs, and Interim Compensation Under the Bankruptcy Code, Criag B. Cooper
Adoption Nightmares Prompt Judicial Recognition of the Tort of Wrongful Adoption: Will New York Follow Suit?, Marci J. Blank
Audit Inquiry Letters and Discovery: Protection Based on Compulsion, Melissa D. Shalit
A Rose May Not Always Be a Rose: Some General Partnership Interests Should Be Deemed Securities Under the Federal Securities Acts, Jonathan M. Sobel
Submissions from 1993
When Axioms Collide, Jeffrey Daniel Haskell
The Illegitimacy of the Extrajudicial Source Requirement for Judicial Disaqualification Under 28 U.S.C. § 455(a), Adam J. Safer
Living Under Siege: Do Stalking Laws Protect Domestic Violence Victims?, Susan E. Bernstein
Being a Jacob Burns Scholar, David S. Kahn
Jacob Burns's Generosity, June D. Wolfman
Secured Creditors and Section 15(a)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act: The Supreme Court Creates a New Property Interest, Henry Bregstein
Bankruptcy Versus Environmental Protection: Discharging Future Cercla Liability in Chapter 11, Philippe J. Kahn
An Exception to the Levandusky Business Judgment Rule: Owner and Shareholder Interests in Condominium and Cooperative Board Decisions, Randolph C. Gwirtzman
Grand Jury Charges Delivered by Supreme Court Justices Riding Circuit During the 1790s, David J. Katz
New York Adverse Possession Law as a Conspiracy of Forgetting: Van Valkenburgh v. Lutz and the Examination of Intent, Lila Perelson
Submissions from 1992
John D. Appel, Leslie Berman
Why the “Look and Feel” of Computer Software Should Not Receive Copyright Protection, Matthew J. Fortnow
A Restatement of Rabbinic Civil Law, Vol. I by Emanuel Quint, Emanuel Rackman
Bankruptcy and Subleases: The Depravity of Privity, Rhonda S. Berliner
The Case Against Applying the Relation-Back Doctrine to the Exercise of General Powers of Appointment, Melanie Leslie
The Road to Repose: Limitations on Avoidance Actions in Chapter 11 via 11 U.S.C. § 546(a)(2), Paul David Brusiloff
Taking Interest in a Cure: Compensation for Time Value of Chapter 13 Residential Mortgage Arrears, Jonathan S. Fields
The Garner Exception to Attorney-Client Privilege: A New Approach to “Good Cause”, Victoria A. Kummer
Submissions from 1991
Human Rights Violations during the Tiananmen Square Massacre and the Precedents Obliging United States Response, Jennifer E. Morris
Nationwide Service of Process in State Courts, David Carlebach
Statutes of Repose and the Construction Industry: A Proposal for New York, Andrew Alpern
The Social Security Administration’s Representative Payee Program: An Act of Benevolence or Cruelty?, Melissa Reiner Greener
Is a Lodging House a Home? Rent Protection for New York City Lodging House Residents, Lynda Braun
Dual Capacity Liability and Co-Employee Company Physicians: Undermining the Integrity of the Workers' Compensation System, Kim R. Kleppel
Intellectual Property Protection for the Creative Chef, or How to Copyright a Cake: A Modest Proposal, Malla Pollack
Trademarks, Parody, and Consumer Confusion: A Workable Lanham Act Infringment Standard, Peter W. Smith
Submissions from 1990
Family, Marriage, and the Same-Sex Couple, Lisa R. Zimmer
Recovering Litigation Costs and Attorney’s Fees After the Technical and Micesllaneous Revenue Act of 1988, Shoshana Charlop
Passive Communication in Public Fora: The Case for First Amendment Protection of Newsracks, Sandra L. Cobden
Cercla and Lender Liability: Why the Search for "Deep Pockets" Leads to Small Change, Stephen N. Moelis
An Individual Debtor’s Right to Avoid Liens Under Section 506(d) of the Bankruptcy Code, Tracy Springer
Suretyship as Adequate Protection in Bankruptcy: The Status of Unsecured Third Party Guaranties Under Section 361 of the Bankruptcy Code, Stephen A. Weiss
Imprisoned for Membership: The Junius Scales Case, Sandra L. Cobden, James A. Rogers, and David Rudenstine
From Parratt to Zinermon: Authorization, Adequacy, and Immunity in a Systematic Analysis of State Procedure, Daniel S. Feder
Awarding Expert Witness Fees in Civil Rights Actions, Bebe Novich
Insider Trading by Foreigners in United States Securities Markets: A Pervasive Problem and Prosecutorial Nightmare, Scott M. Zemser
Whose Womb Is It Anyway: Are Paternal Rights Alive and Well Despite Danforth?, Ruth H. Axelrod
Good Faith and Chapter 13 Discharge: How Much Discretion Is Too Much?, Ellen M. Horn
Privacy, Family, and Medicial Decision Making for Persistant Vegetative Patients, Steven M. Weiner
The Exclusivity Period in Section 1121: How Exclusive Is It, Ross L. Weston
Submissions from 1989
Retaliatory Discharge for Workers' Compensation: Do Union Employees Need a State Tort, Scott N. Gelfand
The Fixed-Price Preemptive Right in the Community Land Trust Lease: A Valid Response to the Housing Crisis or an Invalid Restraint on Alienation?, Christopher A. Seeger
Abuse of the Diplomatic Bag: A Proposed Solution, Amy Zeidman
Who’s Afraid of the Sanction Wolf: Imposing Sanctions on Pro Se Litigants, Donalda Gillies
Proving Beyond a Reasonable Doubt: The Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress, Michele A. Scott
Retroactive Reimbursement: The Standard of Review for a Parent’s Unilateral Placement Under the Education for All Handicapped Children Act, Julie Price Passman
Combine and Conquer: Rethinking the Regulation of Stock Index Futures, Marianne T. Spinelli
Equitable Distribution Requires Equitable Valuation: A Proposal for Amending New York's Equitable Distribution Law, Jacqueline B. Stuart
When Will the Idling Statute of Limitations Start Running in RICO Conspiracy Cases, Ellen Jancko-Baken
Offers Users Can't Refuse: Shrink-Wrap License Agreements as Enforceable Adhesion Contracts, Michael G. Ryan
Federal Jurisdiction to Enforce a Settlement After Vacating a Dismissal Order Under Rule 60(b)(6), Alyson M. Weiss
Section 1983 and the Due Process Clause: Crossing the Constitutional Line, Linda G. Gay
Judge Richard Posner's Wealth Maximization Principle: Another Form of Utilitarianism?, Robin F. Grant
Future Disabilities Under New York’s Human Rights Law, Andrea Lisa Leeb
Turning up the Heat in Hell’s Kitchen: Linking Harassment to Owners Seeking Building Permits in New York City’s Clinton District, Faith Glickman Rossi
Submissions from 1988
Paternalism and Contract: A Critique of Anthony Kronman, Rochelle Spergel
Protecting the Look and Feel of Computer Programs, Jeffrey Weitzman
Prior Representation and the Duty to Inquire: Breaching New York's "Once-An-Attorney" Rule, Rick B. Antonoff
Corporate Receiverships and Chapter 11 Reorganizations, Paula Whitney Bets
Tax Payments: Are They Voidable Preferences in Low-Asset Bankruptcies?, Jodi S. Brodsky
Excepting Civil RICO Claims from Rule 9(b), Chavie N. Kahn
Employee Theft and ERISA: A Proposed Amendment to Garnish Pension Benefits, Bonnie H. Rattner
The Misuse of Inherent Powers When Imposing Sanctions for Discovery Abuse: The Exclusivity of Rule 37, Adam Behar
The High Cost of Free Prescription Drug Samples: An Argument for Federal Regulation, Christine A. Meyers
The Question of Succession in New York City: Who Has the Right to Renew a Rent-Stabilized Lease?, S. Emy Poulad
New Approach to Adjudicating Tenant's Abandonment of Premises, Geraldene Sherr
Toward a Uniform System of Attorney Fee Forfeiture, Nancy L. Sindell
The New York Lien Law and the Garagemen’s Dilemma: Declining Metal Values Affect the Efficacy of a Remedy, David A. Gross
Proxy Preclearance and the First Amendment: The Unconstitutionality of Rule 14a-6, Elizabeth J. Holland
Federal Preemption of Amateur Radio Antenna Height Regulation: Should the Sky Be the Limit?, Alice J. Schwartz
Economic Rationality and Extraterritorial Application of United States Law in Private Antitrust Litigation, Shari Siegel
Arrearage Elimination and the Preferred Stock Contract: A Survey and a Proposal for Reform, Jeffrey S. Stamler
The 1980's Amendment to the Sherman Antitrust Act and the Revitalized Per Se Illegality of Resale Price Maintenance, Nira Weisel
Pool Coverage, Press Access, and Presidential Debates: What’s Wrong With This Picture, Wendy S. Zeligson
Monetary Sanctions Against Attorneys for Discovery Abuse in Federal Court: When Can They Be Appealed, Nancy E. Berman
The Legality of Race-Conscious Access Quotas under the Fair Housing Act of 1968, Marc A. Kushner
Determining Fees for Fees Under the Equal Access to Justice Act: Accomplishing the Act’s Goals, James B. Nobile
Nonrefundable Retainers: Impermissible Under Fiduciary, Statutory and Contract Law, Lester Brickman and Lawrence A. Cunningham
Submissions from 1987
When Owners Should Pay for Construction Delay: Corinno Civetta Construction Corp. and the No-Damage-for-Delay Clause, Marc Handelman
Fraudulent Conveyance Law as a Property Right, Julie Sirota Karchin and Juli J. Kempner
Out-of-State Attorney Fee Forfeiture, Lawrence A. Cunningham
Nonconsensual Repeal of Third-Party Beneficiary Contract Rights: Senior Creditors under Subordination Agreements, Jessica A. Hauser
Selling out Undersecured Creditors: "Value" Under Section 363(F) of the Bankruptcy Code, Steven M. Shishko