Case Number

HCJ 6924/98

Date Decided


Decision Type


Document Type

Full Opinion


Facts: In this petition, the petitioner, the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, asked the Court to direct the Government of Israel, the Minister of National Infrastructures, and the Minister of Finance to nullify the appointment of some of the representatives on behalf of the Government in the Israel Lands Council and to appoint in their stead, Arabs as members of the Council.

Held: The court analyzed the substance and applicability of the principle of equality and decided that given that the Government is to appoint an additional six representatives on its behalf as members of the Council, the order nisi is to be made absolute in the sense that the respondents are ordered to weigh, in accordance with what was detailed in the judgment, whether it is possible to appoint an additional Arab as a member in the Israel Lands Council.


Administrative Law -- Discretion, Constitutional Law -- Basic Law: The Government, Constitutional Law -- Equality Before the Law, Constitutional Law -- Freedom of Expression, Constitutional Law -- Government
