VERSA: The Israeli Supreme Court Project

VERSA: The Israeli Supreme Court Project


The Israeli Supreme Court Project (ISCP) aims to support scholars, lawyers, and judges globally by providing access to Israeli Supreme Court opinions, along with analysis and discussion, in English. Made possible by generous support, particularly from the David Berg Foundation, the ISCP increases international engagement with the Court's significant decisions.

As global debates intensify on issues like the role of religion in democracy and the balance between liberty and security, the Israeli Supreme Court’s rulings are invaluable. However, these decisions are often overlooked due to language barriers. For over two decades, the Friends of the Library of the Supreme Court of Israel have translated and disseminated key rulings in English. Now, the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law at Yeshiva University has expanded these efforts with the ISCP, making the Court’s jurisprudence more visible to the global community.

The ISCP focuses on the Court’s handling of issues critical to democracies, such as religious pluralism, judicial review, gender equality, and balancing civil liberties with national security. By providing translations and analysis, the ISCP offers a vital resource for legal professionals and scholars worldwide, facilitating deeper understanding and engagement with the Israeli Supreme Court’s pioneering decisions.


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Translated Opinions