Case Number

CA 6024/97

Date Decided


Decision Type


Document Type

Full Opinion


Facts: Petitioner challenged the refusal of a Jewish burial society to allow an inscription on her mother's tombstone recording the dates of birth and death according to the Gregorian, as well as the Hebrew, calendar. The district court held that the recently-passed Alternative Burial Law permitted Jews to bury their loved ones in civilian cemeteries, not according to Jewish religious law, had the effect of overturning previous court rulings requiring Jewish burial societies to permit non-Hebrew characters and dates on tombstones. Sites have yet to be established for alternative burial.

Held: Jewish burial societies have a public, as well as a private, character, and as such are subject to public law. The Alternative Burial Law did not have the effect of overruling previous holdings requiring Jewish burial societies to permit non-Hebrew lettering. This is particularly true because the statute has yet to be implemented. Barring family members from recording the names of their deceased loved ones in the language of their choice harms the sensibilities of the relatives and the human dignity of the deceased. It outweighs the potential harm to the sensibilities of religious visitors to the cemetery who may be offended by the non-Hebrew lettering, particularly considering that the Jewish law prohibition against inscribing non-Hebrew calendar dates and letters is not sweeping and comprehensive. Furthermore, the weight accorded to the sensibilities of religious people offended by practices that violate religious law decreases in the public domain, like a cemetery, as compared to the weight such harm is accorded in the private domain, like the home.


Administrative Law -- Judicial review, Constitutional Law -- Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty, Jewish Law -- Burial
