Case Number

CA 490/77

Date Decided


Decision Type


Document Type

Full Opinion


[This abstract is not part of the Court's opinion and is provided for the reader's convenience.]

The appeal focused upon the dismissal of the Appellant’s request to enforce a condition of a divorce agreement with the Respondent concerning the erection of a wall to divide their apartment.

The Supreme Court held:

  1. (1) Section 2 of the Spouses (Property Relations) Law, 5733-1973, which requires the confirmation of a property agreement by a civil or rabbinical court, also applies to spouses married prior to the enactment of that law.

(2)The Spouses (Property Relations) Law, 5733-1973, is very strict in regard to a property agreement between spouses that establishes the relationship between them and also obligates in regard to the future.

(3)Approval of divorce agreement does not constitute confirmation of a property agreement unless it meets the requirements of sec. 2 of the Spouses (Property Relations) Law, 5733-1973.

(4)The performance of an agreement duly executed between parties who agreed to divorce does not, itself, obligate the parties to divorce.


Family Law -- Divorce, Family Law -- Marital property

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Family Law Commons
