Case Number

CrimA 47/56

Date Decided


Decision Type


Document Type

Full Opinion


On September 1, 1953, the appellant, who was driving a truck, knocked down a child of two years of age, Shimon Manan, causing a fracture of the arm. The child was taken to hospital where the doctors examined the arm, discovered the fracture, but also found that the fracture was a closed one so that the child's blood had not come in contact with the road. The doctors considered that there was, for this reason, no need to give the child an antitetanus injection, and that in fact it "might have been dangerous to do so. The child remained under treatment in hospital, but a few days later the wound opened. The child was given antibiotics but no injection against tetanus. On September 9 the child died.

The appellant was charged under s. 218 of the Criminal Code Ordinance in the District Court of Haifa with having unintentionally caused the death of manan. The court held that the appellant had been negligent in driving the truck when he knocked down Manan and that there was a causal connection between the accident and the death and accordingly found the appellant guilty of causing the death within the meaning of the section. The appellant was fined I.L. 75.-.

Held: allowing the appeal, that although the appellant was negligent when he knocked down the child, his negligence was not the cause of the death of the child since it was not possible for the appellant to foresee what the doctors had failed to foresee.

Held further, that the measure of liability for the purposes of s. 218 of the Criminal Code Ordinance, 1936, is the same as the measure of civil liability in the law of torts, and that s. 60(a) of the Civil Wrongs Ordinance, 1944, which deals with the measure of liability in tort for the consequences of an act, determines that measure according to the rule in Hadley v. Baxendale, (1854), 156 E.R. 145, and not that in re Polemis [1921] 3 K.B. 560.


Criminal Law -- Criminal responsibility, Torts -- Breach of statutory duty, Torts -- Negligence
