Case Number

CA 5546/97 , CA 6417/97

Date Decided


Decision Type


Document Type

Full Opinion


Facts: Two appeals (CA 5546/97 and CA 6417/97) were joined in this case due to the similarity of the legal question they raised. In both cases the question arose as to the authority to reduce compensation in the expropriation of land for public purposes and in particular the question arose whether a plot of land can be expropriated in its entirety with significant reduction in compensation.

Held: The appeal in CA 5546/97 was dismissed and the appeal in CA 6417/97 was partially affirmed. In that case the Local Planning and Construction Committee in Haifa was ordered to pay the appellants in the entirety for the parcel that was expropriated; other portions of the District Court decision were left as is.


Administrative Law -- Judicial review, Constitutional Law -- Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty, Constitutional Law -- Judicial Review, Constitutional Law -- Property Rights
