Case Number

HCJ 5016/96

Date Decided


Decision Type


Document Type

Full Opinion


Facts: The Minister of Transportation, assuming the powers of the Traffic Controller, ordered the closure of Bar-Ilan Street in Jerusalem to motor traffic on Sabbaths and Jewish holidays during hours of prayer. Petitioners are secular residents of the area and representatives of the secular population in Jerusalem, who claim that the decision of the Minister infringes their right to freedom of movement. One petitioner—the Association for the Rights of the Religious Community in Israel—counter-petitioned that Bar-Ilan should be closed to motor traffic for all hours on the Sabbath and Jewish holidays.

Held: The Court held that the Traffic Controller was to weigh the freedom of movement of those who chose to use Bar-Ilan Street against the possible injury of such traffic to the religious sensibilities and lifestyle of the local residents. The Court noted that the latter consideration was a valid one in a democratic society. The Court held that the Minister of Transportation, in his capacity as the Traffic Controller, did not adequately consider the interests of the local secular residents of Bar-Ilan Street. As such, the Court struck down the Traffic Controller's decision. Several dissenting Justices contended that the Minister had no authority at all the close Bar-Ilan Street to traffic.


Administrative Law -- Discretion, Constitutional Law -- Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty, Constitutional Law -- Freedom of Movement, Constitutional Law -- Freedom of Religion, Jewish Law -- Shabbat
