Case Number

HCJ 10356/02

Date Decided


Decision Type


Document Type

Full Opinion


Facts: The Machpela Cave is believed to be the burial site of Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, Jacob and Leah. As such, it is holy to Jews and Moslems. Over the years, the site has seen acts of violence by members of one religion against the other, resulting in casualties.

On Sabbaths and festivals, large numbers of Jews, sometimes in the thousands, go from the nearby town of Kiryat Arba to the Machpela Cave on foot, since the use of vehicles is prohibited by Judaism on these days. They go to the Cave by means of the ‘worshippers’ route,’ a narrow passage that is not wide enough for security or rescue vehicles to pass in case of a terrorist attack.

The IDF commander in Judaea and Samaria decided to widen the worshippers’ route, and for this purpose he made an order to requisition private land and to demolish certain buildings along the route. The petitioners challenged the constitutionality of this order.

Held: In view of the constitutional importance of the freedom of religion and the freedom of worship, a certain violation of property rights may be allowed to facilitate the freedom of worship. The buildings scheduled for demolition are uninhabited, and the widening of the route was kept to the absolute minimum, to allow only unidirectional traffic. In these circumstances, the requisition order satisfies the test of constitutionality.


Administrative Law -- Discretion, Constitutional Law -- Freedom of Religion, Constitutional Law -- Property Rights, International Law -- Occupied territories
