Case Number

CrimA 3417/99

Date Decided


Decision Type


Document Type

Full Opinion


Facts: The appellant Margalit Har-Shefi was tried before the Magistrate’s Court in Tel-Aviv-Jaffa and convicted of the offense of neglect to prevent a felony (and of another offense, of which she was acquitted). It was held that although the appellant knew that a man named Yigal Amir was plotting to murder the Prime Minister of Israel, Yitzhak Rabin, she did not take reasonable means to prevent the commission of the felony. The conviction was appealed to the District Court and the appeal was upheld by a majority of judges. Leave was given to appeal the District’s Court’s decision. The appellant appealed the conviction and alternatively the sentence.

Held: The appeal of the conviction was dismissed unanimously, and by a majority of opinions, against the dissenting opinion of Justice J. Turkel, the appeal as to the sentence was dismissed.


Criminal Law -- Conviction

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Criminal Law Commons
