Case Number

HCJ 2838/95

Date Decided


Decision Type


Document Type

Full Opinion


Facts: The Katzrin Local Council and the Golan Heights Regional Council allocated monies, from the fiscal year 1992 and onwards, to the Golan Heights Communities Association. The purpose of the Association was, inter alia, to endeavor towards the establishment of additional communities in the Golan Heights. In furtherance of this purpose, the Association conducted protest and lobbying activities intended to ensure continued Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. Petitioners, residents of Katzrin and the Golan Heights, contested the constitutionality of these allocations, asserting that the local and regional councils could not proceed against the foreign and defense policies of the national government.

Held: The Court held that the local and regional councils could not take action regarding issues in the national sphere, which had no connection to local interests. The Court held, however, that the issue of continued Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, aside from its national significance, was also of unique local significance. As such, it was constitutional for the councils to allocate monies to further this goal.

Petition denied.


Constitutional Law -- Separation of Powers
