Case Number

HCJ 210/60

Date Decided


Decision Type


Document Type

Full Opinion


Upon the death of Chief Rabbi Herzog, an Election Committee of eight members was nominated under the Regulations to appoint and convene an Electoral Assembly. Half of the Committee was nominated by the Rabbinical Council in January 1960 and half by the Minister of Religions in June 1960. The first meeting of the Committee was convened by the Minister in July 1960, notwithstanding the claim of the Rabbinical Council that the invitation should be a joint one. In consequence, the four Council members refused to attend but subsequently one of them, Rabbi Abu Revia, relented. Thereupon the other three tendered their resignations to the Council which after considering the matter resolved to remove Rabbi Abu Revia from membership of the Committee and to replace him by another, calling upon the other three to withdraw their resignations. The latter refused to do so but finally such refusal was accepted as was also the refusal of the replacement to act. In the meantime, the Committee continued to carry out its tasks with the four Ministerial members and Rabbi Abu Revia, after receiving an opinion from the Attorney­ General that neither the purported removal nor the resignations were of legal effect, since members were elected and only the Committee itself could accept resignations and effect removals, and even if they were appointed, the character of their duties required that the appointer became functus officio upon making the appointment, without any further right of interference. The Council claimed that it was competent to remove Rabbi Abu Revia, that the other three could resign if they so desired and therefore that the Committee was not properly constituted and could not lawfully act by the remaining four members.

Held: (1) That the removal of Rabbi Avu Revia was devoid of all legal effect because on appointment a member does not become an agent of the appointer, the 'umbilical cord' between them being cut (per Silberg J.) or because even though appointed to represent some interest, his appointment may not be revoked if he becomes a 'rebel' (per Witkon J.).'

(2) (Cohn J. dissenting) The resignations took legal effect and there was no need for such resignations to be accepted by the Committee.

(3) (Silberg J. dissenting) the Committee, whether consisting of five effective members (if the resignations were effective) or of eight could act by a majority of its nominal complement.


Administrative Law -- Appointments, Elections
