Case Number

HCJ 282/61

Date Decided


Decision Type


Document Type

Full Opinion


The petitioners complained generally of the alleged interference of the Minister of Religious Affairs in matters affecting the Moslem Community of Acre and more particularly of the activities and powers of the local Moslem council appointed by the Ministry.

Held. The departure from the country of Moslem leaders and officials as a result of the events of 1948 had led to a complete collapse of all Moslem institutions and their ceasing to function. In order to remedy the situation and recreate these institutions the Ministry had not proceeded under any express statutory provision but by virtue of general power vested in the Government and within the framework of the State budget. In the course of doing so, it appointed the second respondent with which to consult and to act as its agent in the distribution of necessary funds for various public Moslem purposes. No evidence of misuse of funds had been adduced. In all these circumstances, the High Court of Justice would not intervene to control the action by the Ministry or its agent, either generally or specifically, in its choice of advisers or in resolving the public political problems with which it is faced.


Administrative Law -- Discretion, Administrative Law -- Judicial review, Constitutional Law -- Equality Before the Law, Constitutional Law -- Freedom of Religion
