Submissions from 2018
The Necessity of the Good Person Prosecutor, Jessica A. Roth
The “New” District Court Activism In Criminal Justice Reform, Jessica A. Roth
Love for Sale: Book Review of Marcia A. Zug, Buying a Bride: An Engaging History of Mail-Order Matches, Jeanne L. Schroeder
Dueling Denominators and the Demise of Lucas, Stewart E. Sterk
Maintaining Condominiums and Homeowner Associations: How Much of a Priority?, Stewart E. Sterk
Cardozo's "Law and Literature": A Guide to His Judicial Writing Style, Richard H. Weisberg
The Virtues of Complexity: Judge Marrero's Systemic Account of Litigation Abuse, Charles M. Yablon
Submissions from 2017
Survey of Recent Halakhic Periodical Literature: A Rainproof Sukkah/ Reading the Shema in Latin/ Oral Obligations Unsupported by Kinyan, J. David Bleich
The Culture of Misdemeanor Courts, Jessica A. Roth
Data Collection and the Regulatory State, Hillary Green, James Cooper, Ahmed Ghappour, and Felix Wu
The Radical Majoritarianism of Rule 23(b)(2), Myriam E. Gilles and Gary Friedman
Survey of Recent Halakhic Periodical Literature: Cadaveric Dental Implants, J. David Bleich
Churches' Lobbying and Campaigning: A Proposed Statutory Safe Harbor for Internal Church Communications, Edward A. Zelinsky
The Commercial Difference, Felix T. Wu
Survey of Recent Halakhic Periodical Literature: Refrigerators on Shabbat, J. David Bleich
Erie Step Zero, Alexander A. Reinert
Conviction Integrity Units Revisited, Barry Scheck
ERISA Preemption after Gobeille v. Liberty Mutual: Completing the Retrenchment of Shaw, Edward A. Zelinsky
The Political Process Argument for Overruling Quill, Edward A. Zelinsky
Byte Marks: Making Sense of New F.R.C.P. 37(e), Charles Yablon
The Nature of Sequential Innovation, Christopher Buccafusco, Stefan Bechtold, and Christopher Jon Sprigman
Fashion's Function in Intellectual Property Law, Christopher Buccafusco and Jeanne C. Fromer
Testing Tarnishment in Trademark and Copyright Law: The Effect of Pornographic Versions of Protected Marks and Works of Pornographic Versions of Protected Marks and Work, Christopher Buccafusco, Paul J. Heald, and Wen Bu
Functionality Screens, Christopher Buccafusco and Mark A. Lemley
Co-Belligerency, Rebecca Ingber
Sital Kalantry: Women's Human Rights and Migration: Sex-Selective Abortion Laws in the United States and India, Jocelyn Getgen Kestenbaum
Prosecutorial Discretion Power at its Zenith: The Power to Protect Liberty, Peter L. Markowitz
Using Domestic Law to Move Toward a Recognition of Universal Legal Capacity for Persons with Disabilities, Leslie Salzman
Trust Decanting: A Critical Perspective, Stewart E. Sterk
How Privacy Distorted Standing Law, Felix T. Wu
Defining Residence for Income Tax Purposes: Domicile as Gap-Filler, Citizenship as Proxy and Gap-Filler, Edward A. Zelinsky
Submissions from 2016
An Argument Against Civil Marriage, J. David Bleich
Survey of Recent Halakhic Periodical Literature: Disposition of Fertilized Ova, J. David Bleich
Survey of Recent Halakhic Periodical Literature – Internet Sales on Shabbat; Civil Divorce and Mourning; The Interrupted Wedding, J. David Bleich
Closing Impunity Gaps for the Crime of Aggression, Jocelyn Getgen Kestenbaum
Informant Witnesses and the Risk of Wrongful Convictions, Jessica A. Roth
Survey of Recent Halakhic Periodical Literature: Posthumous Paternity/ Money Found in a Sofa, J. David Bleich
Innovation Prizes in Practice and Theory, Michael J. Burstein and Fiona Murray
Can John Coffee Rescue the Private Attorney General? Lessons from the Credit Card Wars, Myriam E. Gilles
Bitcoin and the Uniform Commercial Code, Jeanne L. Schroeder
The Enigma of Wynne, Edward A. Zelinsky
Reconceptualizing the Eighth Amendment: Slaves, Prisoners, and Cruel and Unusual Punishment, Alexander A. Reinert
Liability Issues and 3D Printing, Mark Bartholomew, Gianni P. Servodidio, Katherine Strandburg, and Felix Wu
Innovation Heuristics: Experiments on Sequential Creativity in Intellectual Property, Stefan Bechtold, Christopher Buccafusco, and Christopher Jon Sprigman
Policy Considerations & Industry Perspectives on 3D Printing, Greg Boyd, Martin Galese, John Knapp, Natalia Krasnodebska, Michael Weinberg, and Aaron Wright
A Theory of Copyright Authorship, Christopher Buccafusco
The Moral Psychology of Copyright Infringement, Christopher Buccafusco and Dave Fagundes
The Entrepreneurial Commons: Reframing the Relationship Between Intellectual Property and Entrepreneurship, Michael J. Burstein
The Scrivener's Dilemma in Divorce Mediation: Promulgating Progressive Professional Parameters, Robert K. Collins
The Second Circuit and Social Justice, Matthew Diller and Alexander A. Reinert