Submissions from 2020
From the Frontlines of the Modern Movement to End Forced Arbitration and Restore Jury Rights, F. Paul Bland, Myriam E. Gilles, and Tanuja Gupta
Survey of Recent Halakhic Literature: Validity of DNA Evidence for Halakhic Purposes (Part 2): Agunah, J. David Bleich
Povos Indígenas, Genocídio e Pademia No Brasil, Fernanda Frizzo Bragato, Marco Antônio Delfino de Almeida, and Jocelyn Getgen Kestenbaum
The Trump Administration’s Social Security Rules Will Harm Innovation in the Assistive Technology Industry and People with Disabilities, Christopher Buccafusco and Mariel Talmage
Giving Back a Fraudulent Transfer: A Defense to Liability?, David G. Carlson
Tuition as a Fraudulent Transfer, David G. Carlson
Congressional Administration of Foreign Affairs, Rebecca Ingber
Critical Developments in Housing Policy, Kat Meyers, Cheryl Gonzales, Edward Josephson, Andrew Scherer, and Michael C. Pollack
Adultery, Infidelity, and Consensual Non-Monogamy, Edward D. Stein
Submissions from 2019
Abolish ICE . . . and Then What?, Peter L. Markowitz
The Lawyer as Accomplice: Cannabis, Uber, Airbnb, and the Ethics of Advising “Disruptive” Businesses, Charles M. Yablon
Survey of Recent Halakhic Literature: Validity of DNA Evidence for Halakhic Purposes (Part 1), J. David Bleich
Mere Conduit, David G. Carlson
Universal Representation: Systemic Benefits and the Path Ahead, Lindsay Nash
Rehaif v. United States: Once Again, a Gun Case Makes Surprising Law, Jessica A. Roth
An Empirical Investigation of Third Party Consumer Litigant Funding, Ronen Avraham and Anthony J. Sebok
Survey of Recent Halakhic Literature: Autonomous Automobiles and the Trolley Problem / Of Miracle and Non-Natural Food, J. David Bleich
Rediscovering the Issue Class in Mass Tort MDLS, Myriam E. Gilles and Gary Friedman
Methodology of Psak, J. David Bleich
Survey of Recent Halakhic Periodical Literature: Converts and Customs/ Diabetics and Shabbat, J. David Bleich
Financial Regulation in the (Receding) Shadow of Antitrust, Samuel N. Weinstein
Custodial Compulsion, Kyron J. Huigens
Blockchain-Based Token Sales, Initial Coin Offerings, and the Democratization of Public Capital Markets, Jonathan Rohr and Aaron Wright
Constructive Trusts and Fraudulent Transfers: When Worlds Collide, David G. Carlson
The Impact of Law on the State Pension Crisis, Elizabeth S. Goldman and Stewart E. Sterk
If International Law is Not International, What Comes Next? On Anthea Roberts' Is International Law International?, Rebecca Ingber
Home Sweet Home: How New York Courts Have Dealt with Daimler's "At Home" Requirement for General Jurisdiction, Burton N. Lipshie
Tribute to Judge Robert Katzmann, Lindsay Nash
Armed Conflict at the Threshold, Deborah Pearlstein
Getting Past the Imperial Presidency, Deborah Pearlstein
Taking Data, Michael C. Pollack
Erie Doctrine, State Law, and Civil Rights Litigation, Alexander A. Reinert
Measuring Selection Bias in Publicly Available Judicial Opinions, Alexander A. Reinert
The “New” District Court Activism In Criminal Justice Reform, Jessica A. Roth
Three Against Two: On the Difference Between Property and Contract and the Example of Deposit Accounts in Bankruptcy, Jeanne L. Schroeder and David G. Carlson
How U.S. Family Law Might Deal with Spousal Relationships of Three (or More) People, Edward D. Stein
Binaries: Remarks on Chaim N. Saiman's "Halakhah", Richard Weisberg
Commercial Speech Protection as Consumer Protection, Felix T. Wu
Applying the First Amendment to the Internal Revenue Code: Minnesota Voters Alliance and the Tax Law’s Regulation of Nonprofit Organizations’ Political Speech, Edward A. Zelinsky
Comparing Wayfair and Wynne: Lessons for the Future of the Dormant Commerce Clause, Edward A. Zelinsky
Submissions from 2018
Universal Representation, Lindsay Nash
Kevin Vallier and Michael Weber: Religious Exemptions, Edward A. Zelinsky
Section 4968 and Taxing All Charitable Endowments: A Critique and a Proposal, Edward A. Zelinsky
Loan Proceeds and Article 9 Proceeds, David G. Carlson and Jeanne L. Schroeder
Check Clearing and Voidable Preference Law Under the Bankruptcy Code, David G. Carlson
Gender in the Context of Same-Sex Divorce and Relationship Dissolution, Suzanne A. Kim and Edward D. Stein
The Institutions of Innocence Review: A Comparative Sociological Perspective, Jessica A. Roth
Qualified Immunity at Trial, Alexander A. Reinert
The Politics of Access: Examining Concerted State/Private Enforcement Solutions to Class Action Bans, Myriam E. Gilles
Pardoning Immigrants, Peter L. Markowitz and Lindsay Nash