Outsmarting the Smart Money : Understand How Markets Really Work and Win the Wealth Game
Graduation Year
While market pundits argue the rational market theory, one theory gets almost universal consensusthat of the irrational investor. Outsmarting the Smart Money outlines where most investors go wrong and explains how to instead approach the markets with intelligence and calm. Filled with hard-hitting insights and useful lessons, it shows how to use market-proven techniques and strategies to overcome biases, myths, and mistakesand beat the pros at their own game. Cunningham presents flexible security analysis guidelines for investors who want to guide their own portfolios, but don't want to devote all of their free time to the effort including:
- How to overcome personal biases, misleading information, and market inefficiencies
- Methods to avoid being cheated by money managers, and identify "spin" reporting
Publication Date
Recommended Citation
Cunningham, Lawrence A., "Outsmarting the Smart Money : Understand How Markets Really Work and Win the Wealth Game" (2002). Alum Book Gallery. 40.