Document Type
Blog Post
55 Fifth Avenue (home to Cardozo School of Law) is the birthplace of a number of truly remarkable cultural institutions in New York City. As part of a conference highlighting Billy Holiday’s impact on music, issues of race in the United States, and Cardozo, I researched the history of the law school’s building, where Billie Holiday first recorded professionally in 1933 with Columbia Records with the producer John Hammond. Here is some of that history and the research strategies I employed to uncover it.
Publication Date
Law Lines
55 Fifth Avenue, Archival Research, Billie Holiday, Cardozo Law School, Ingrid Mattson, New York, New York City
Archival Science | Library and Information Science
Recommended Citation
Mattson, Ingrid, "Researching the History of 55 Fifth Avenue" (2021). Library Staff Online Publications. 18.