The Jewish Legal Tradition
Ari Mermelstein, Suzanne Last Stone, and Yair Lorberbaum
This book provides an in-depth exploration of the Jewish legal tradition, or halakhah, through the lens of modern legal philosophy. The interdisciplinary approach of the book makes complex ideas accessible, offering insights into how Jewish legal thought both parallels and diverges from modern legal theory. By examining primary sources through a contemporary legal-theoretical framework, the volume offers a pedagogical approach to halakhah. Readers will gain a nuanced understanding of the deep structure of Jewish law through the rigorous application of modern legal philosophy. The book’s structured approach, dividing chapters into conceptual discussions, primary source analyses, and synthetic reflections, provides a comprehensive guide for exploring Jewish legal thought. The collection not only enhances the study of halakhah but also contributes to broader discussions in legal theory and philosophy, making it a valuable resource for diverse audiences.
The book is intended for scholars and students of Jewish law, legal theory, and Jewish studies. It is also designed for law schools, Judaic studies programs, and lay readers interested in the philosophical dimensions of religious legal systems.
Jewish Law: New Perspectives
Suzanne Last Stone and Yonatan Y. Brafman
New Perspectives on Jewish Law combines the detailed work characteristic of scholarship on Jewish law with an orientation towards its broader academic and cultural significance. It shifts the study of Jewish law from its focus on legal doctrine and history to legal theory, achieving in the process a more sophisticated understanding of law that will benefit both the legal academy and Jewish studies. By employing the framework of legal theory, it similarly corrects an over-emphasis on the metaphysical presuppositions and philosophical implications of Jewish law, which has tended to cast it as exceptional relative to other legal systems. Moreover, it answers to old-new anxieties about law, often symbolized by Judaism, raised by contemporary feminists and by philosophers who are animated by recent interpretations of Paul through actual engagement with the Jewish legal tradition.
The volume consists of three parts. The first focuses on the critique of positivism, its implications, and the new directions that it opens up for the analysis of Jewish law. The second part takes stock of recent methodological developments in the study of Jewish legal texts and investigates the relation between Jewish law and the disciplines, including history, literary theory, ritual studies, the digital humanities, as well as traditional approaches to Jewish learning. It concludes with a reflection on these interdisciplinary contributions from the perspective of legal theory. The third part explores the connections among Jewish law, philosophy, and culture critique. It assesses the relation or lack thereof between Jewish law and modern Jewish thought, and examines specific issues of philosophical interest, including truth and normativity. It also investigates the image of Jewish law in the contemporary critique of law as well as how Jewish law could productively contribute to that debate. It concludes with a reflection on these studies from the perspective of philosophy of law.
Research Handbook on Law and Literature
Peter Goodrich, Daniela Gandorfer, and Cecilia Gebruers
In this original and thought-provoking Research Handbook, an international and interdisciplinary group of scholars, artists, lawyers, judges, and writers offer a range of perspectives on rethinking law by means of literary concepts. Presenting a comprehensive introduction to jurisliterary themes, it destabilises the traditional hierarchy that places law before literature and exposes the literary nature of the legal.
Chapters explore multiple genres and modes, from travel reviews to graphic novels, from poetics to ghost-writing, from cartography to speculative fiction. Working with diverse methods and areas of inquiry, including enstrangement, colonial entanglements, blockchain narratives, transing and transgression of many kinds, matterphor, aesthetics and epistemology, this Research Handbook provides a systematic application of literary approaches to the reading of law.
Scholars and students of jurisprudence, and those in the humanities with an interest in law and literature, will find this ground-breaking Research Handbook an indispensable guide. It also offers insight to international legal scholars looking for materialist accounts of law, as well as those interested in contemporary challenges to the rule of law. -
The Cabinet of Imaginary Laws, 1st Edition
Peter Goodrich and Thanos Zartaloudis
Returning to the map of the island of utopia, this book provides a contemporary, inventive, addition to the long history of legal fictions and juristic phantasms. Progressive legal and political thinking has for long lacked a positive, let alone a bold imaginary project, an account of what improved institutions and an ameliorated environment would look like. And where better to start than with the non-laws or imaginary legislations of a realm yet to come.
The Cabinet of Imaginary Laws is a collection of fictive contributions to the theme of conceiving imaginary laws in the vivid vein of jurisliterary invention. Disparate in style and diverse in genres of writing and performative expression, the celebrated and unknown, venerable and youthful authors write new laws. Thirty-five dissolute scholars, impecunious authors and dyspeptic artists from a variety of fields including law, film, science, history, philosophy, political science, aesthetics, architecture and the classics become, for a brief and inspiring instance, legislators of impossible norms. The collection provides an extra-ordinary range of inspired imaginings of other laws. This momentary community of radial thought conceives of a wild variety of novel critical perspectives. The contributions aim to inspire reflection on the role of imagination in the study and writing of law. Verse, collage, artworks, short stories, harangues, lists, and other pleas, reports and pronouncements revivify the sense of law as the vehicle of poetic justice and as an art that instructs and constructs life.
Aimed at an intellectual audience disgruntled with the negativity of critique and the narrowness of the disciplines, this book will appeal especially to theorists, lawyers, scholars and a general public concerned with the future of decaying laws and an increasingly derelict legal system.
Public Health, Mental Health, and Mass Atrocity Prevention
Jocelyn Getgen Kestenbaum, Caitlin O. Mahoney, Amy E. Meade, and Arlan F. Fuller
This multidisciplinary volume considers the role of both public health and mental health policies and practices in the prevention of mass atrocity, including war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide.
The authors address atrocity prevention through the framework of primary (pre-conflict), secondary (mid-conflict), and tertiary (post-conflict) settings. They examine the ways in which public health and mental health scholars and practitioners currently orient their research and interventions and the ways in which we can adapt frameworks, methods, tools, and practice toward a more sophisticated and truly interdisciplinary understanding and application of atrocity prevention. The book brings together diverse fields of study by global north and global south authors in diverse contexts. It culminates in a narrative that demonstrates the state of the current fields on intersecting themes within public health, mental health, and mass atrocity prevention and the future potential directions in which these intersections could go. Such discussions will serve to influence both policy makers and practitioners in these fields toward developing, adapting, and testing frames and tools for atrocity prevention. Multidisciplinary perspectives are represented among editors and authors, including law, political science, international studies, public health, mental health, philosophy, clinical psychology, social psychology, history, and peace studies.
The Conscience Wars: Rethinking the Balance between Religion, Identity, and Equality
Susanna Mancini and Michel Rosenfeld
In this work, Professors Rosenfeld and Mancini have brought together an impressive group of authors to provide a comprehensive analysis on the greater demand for religions exemptions to government mandates. Traditional religious conscientious objection cases, such as refusal to salute the flag or to serve in the military during war, had a diffused effect throughout society. In sharp contrast, these authors argue that today's most notorious objections impinge on the rights of others, targeting practices like abortion, LGTBQ adoption, and same-sex marriage. The dramatic expansion of conscientious objection claims have revolutionized the battle between religious traditionalists and secular civil libertarians, raising novel political, legal, constitutional and philosophical challenges. Highlighting the intersection between conscientious objections, religious liberty, and the equality of women and sexual minorities, this volume showcases this political debate and the principal jurisprudence from different parts of the world and emphasizes the little known international social movements that compete globally to alter the debate's terms.
Freedom and Force : Essays on Kant's Legal Philosophy
Sari Kisilevsky and Martin Stone
This collection of essays takes as its starting point Arthur Ripstein's Force and Freedom: Kant's Legal and Political Philosophy, a seminal work on Kant's thinking about law, which also treats many of the contemporary issues of legal and political philosophy. The essays offer readings and elucidations of Ripstein's thought, dispute some of his claims and extend some of his themes within broader philosophical contexts, thus developing the significance of Ripstein's ideas for contemporary legal and political philosophy. All of the essays are contributions to normative philosophy in a broadly Kantian spirit. Prominent themes include rights in the body, the relation between morality and law, the nature of coercion and its role in legal obligation, the role of indeterminacy in law, the nature and justification of political society and the theory of the state. This volume will be of interest to a wide audience, including legal scholars, Kant scholars, and philosophers with an interest in Kant or in legal and political philosophy.
Comparative Tort Law : Global Perspectives
Mauro Bussani and Anthony J. Sebok
Comparative Tort Law: Global Perspectives provides a framework for analyzing and understanding the current state of tort law in most of the world's legal systems. The book examines tort law theories and cultures through a comparative methodology. It looks at general issues at play throughout the globe, such as causation, economic and non-economic damages, product and professional liability, as well as the relationship between tort law and crime, insurance, and public welfare schemes. This collection of essays written by tort law experts from around the world also offers a comprehensive comparative assessment of tort law rules, and consideration for the cultural contexts in which tort laws live, covering many jurisdictions that are usually neglected by mainstream debates and literature. Insightful case studies analyze specific features of selected tort systems in Europe, USA, Latin America, East Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa. This path-breaking, though accessible book is a critical tool for students, policymakers, practitioners, scholars and academic researchers, especially tort law and comparative law specialists.
Genealogies of Legal Vision
Peter Goodrich and Valérie Hayaert
It was the classical task of legal rhetoric to make law both seen and understood. These conjoint goals came to be separated and opposed in modernity and a degree of blindness ensued. Legal reason was increasingly deemed to be a purely textual enterprise. Against this constraint and in furtherance of an incipient visual turn in legal studies, Genealogies of Legal Vision seeks to revive the classical ars iuris and to this end traces the history of regimes of visual control. Law always relied in significant measure upon the use of visual representations, upon pictures, architecture, costume and statuary to convey authority and sovereign norm. Military, religious, administrative and legal insignia found juridical codification and expression in collections of signs of office, in heraldic codes, in genealogical devices, and then finally in the juridical invention in the mid-sixteenth century of the legal emblem book. Genealogies of Legal Vision traces the complex lineage of the legal emblem and argues that the mens emblematica of the humanist lawyers was the inauguration of a visiocratic regime that continues into the multiple new technologies and novel media of contemporary governance. Bringing together leading experts on the history and art of legal emblems this collection provides a ground-breaking account of the long relationship between visibility, meaning and normativity.
A Guide to Judicial and Political Review of Federal Agencies, Second Edition
Kathryn A. Watts, Michael E. Herz, and Richard W. Murphy
This updated edition provides a thorough overview of the law of judicial and political control of federal agencies. The primary focus is on the availability and scope of judicial review, but the book also discusses the control exercised by the U.S. President and Congress. This comprehensive guide is a companion to two other titles published by the Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice: A Guide to Federal Agency Adjudication and A Guide to Federal Agency Rulemaking.
Legal Theory and the Humanities
Maksymilian Del Mar and Peter Goodrich
The papers selected for this volume offer a panorama of problems and methods at the intersection of legal theory and the humanities. All taken from the last three decades, the papers discuss issues such as the role of the emotions and the imagination in legal reasoning, and the protection of the diversity of voices and perspective in the name of community. Unduly neglected sources and resources for legal theory are also explored: images, still and moving; performance, aural and gestural; and space, old and new, from the Inns of Court to the World Wide Web. The articles balance renewed calls to humanise legal theory with those that analyse and explore the relevance of specific domains of the humanities - such as literature, architecture, music, painting, drawing and film - for law. The volume contains a substantive introduction and a detailed bibliography.
Fashion Law: A Guide for Designers, Fashion Executives, and Attorneys, 2nd Edition
Guillermo C. Jimenez and Barbara Kolsun
In todays' highly competitive global market, fashion designers, entrepreneurs and executives need state, federal, and international laws to protect their intellectual property-their brands and the products by which their customers recognize them. Fashion Law provides a concise and practical guide to the full range of legal issues faced by a fashion company as it grows from infancy to international stature. Updated to reflect recent legal decisions and regulatory developments, this revised edition covers such a vital issues as intellectual property protection and litigation, licensing, anti-counterfeiting, start-ups and finance, commercial transactions, retail property leasing, employment regulations, advertising and marketing, celebrity endorsements, international trade. Features of the text help to make legal concepts accessible to the lay reader. More than 25 leading attorneys practicing in the emerging legal specialty of fashion law contributed the chapters for this authoritative text, and their expertise provides a foundation for fashion professionals and their legal advisors to work together effectively.
Constitutional Secularism in an Age of Religious Revival
Susanna Mancini and Michel Rosenfeld
The global movement of culture and religion has brought about a serious challenge to traditional constitutional secularism. This challenge comes in the form of a political and institutional struggle against secular constitutionalism, and a two pronged assault on the very legitimacy and viability of the concept. On the one hand, constitutional secularism has been attacked as inherently hostile rather than neutral toward religion; and, on the other hand, constitutional secularism has been criticized as inevitably favouring one religion (or set of religions) over others.
The contributors to this book come from a variety of different disciplines including law, anthropology, history, philosophy and political theory. They provide accounts of, and explanations for, present predicaments; critiques of contemporary institutional, political and cultural arrangements, justifications and practices; and suggestions with a view to overcoming or circumventing several of the seemingly intractable or insurmountable current controversies and deadlocks.
The book is separated in to five parts. Part I provides theoretical perspectives on the present day conflicts between secularism and religion. Part II focuses on the relationship between religion, secularism and the public sphere. Part III examines the nexus between religion, secularism and women's equality. Part IV concentrates on religious perspectives on constraints on, and accommodations of, religion within the precincts of the liberal state. Finally, Part V zeroes in on conflicts between religion and secularism in specific contexts, namely education and freedom of speech.
The Scene of the Mass Crime : History, Film, and International Tribunals
Christian Delage and Peter Goodrich
The Scene of the Mass Crime takes up the unwritten history of the peculiar yet highly visible form of war crimes trials. These trials are the first and continuing site of the interface of law, history and film. From Nuremberg to the contemporary trials in Cambodia, film, in particular, has been crucial both as evidence of atrocity and as the means of publicizing the proceedings. But what does film bring to justice? Can law successfully address war crimes, atrocities, genocide? What do the trials actually show? What form of justice is done, and how does it relate to ordinary courts and proceedings? What lessons can be drawn from this history for the very topical political issue of filming civil and criminal trials? This book takes up the diversity and complexity of these idiosyncratic and, in strict terms, generally extra-legal medial situations. Drawing on a fascinating diversity of public trials and filmic responses, from the Trial of the Gang of Four to the Gacaca local courts of Rwanda to the filmic symbolism of 9-11, from Soviet era show trials to Nazi People's Courts leading international scholars address the theatrical, political, filmic and symbolic importance of show trials in making history, legitimating regimes and, most surprising of all, in attempting to heal trauma through law and through film. These essays will be of considerable interest to those working on international criminal law, transitional justice, genocide studies, and the relationship between law and film.
Stories Mediators Tell
Eric Galton and Lela P. Love
Explore inspirational stories on the art of mediation through this collection that offers first-hand accounts of the unpredictable and often dramatic nature of mediation.
Stories Mediators Tell is a collection of inspirational stories shared by experts in the field who want others to experience the art of mediation. Their stories share advice on how to handle certain situations. The stories were not collected to glorify or to vilify mediation, but to make it accessible to readers generally to share what mediation is about and how certain situations were handled. The authors are motivated by the belief that mediation is not well understood--even its practitioners are often limited to their own experience, particularly given confidentiality strictures.
The Content and Context of Hate Speech : Rethinking Regulation and Responses
Michael E. Herz and Peter Molnar
The contributors to this volume consider whether it is possible to establish carefully tailored hate speech policies that are cognizant of the varying traditions, histories, and values of different countries. Throughout, there is a strong comparative emphasis, with examples (and authors) drawn from around the world. All the authors explore whether or when different cultural and historical settings justify different substantive rules given that such cultural relativism can be used to justify content-based restrictions and so endanger freedom of expression. Essays address the following questions, among others: Is hate speech in fact so dangerous or harmful to vulnerable minorities or communities as to justify a lower standard of constitutional protection? What harms and benefits accrue from laws that criminalize hate speech in particular contexts? Are there circumstances in which everyone would agree that hate speech should be criminally punished? What lessons can be learned from international case law?
The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Law
Michel Rosenfeld and András Sajó
The field of comparative constitutional law has grown immensely over the past couple of decades. Once a minor and obscure adjunct to the field of domestic constitutional law, comparative constitutional law has now moved front and centre. Driven by the global spread of democratic government and the expansion of international human rights law, the prominence and visibility of the field, among judges, politicians, and scholars has grown exponentially. Even in the United States, where domestic constitutional exclusivism has traditionally held a firm grip, use of comparative constitutional materials has become the subject of a lively and much publicized controversy among various justices of the U.S. Supreme Court.
The trend towards harmonization and international borrowing has been controversial. Whereas it seems fair to assume that there ought to be great convergence among industrialized democracies over the uses and functions of commercial contracts, that seems far from the case in constitutional law. Can a parliamentary democracy be compared to a presidential one? A federal republic to a unitary one? Moreover, what about differences in ideology or national identity? Can constitutional rights deployed in a libertarian context be profitably compared to those at work in a social welfare context? Is it perilous to compare minority rights in a multi-ethnic state to those in its ethnically homogeneous counterparts? These controversies form the background to the field of comparative constitutional law, challenging not only legal scholars, but also those in other fields, such as philosophy and political theory.
Providing the first single-volume, comprehensive reference resource, the 'Oxford Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Law' will be an essential road map to the field for all those working within it, or encountering it for the first time. Leading experts in the field examine the history and methodology of the discipline, the central concepts of constitutional law, constitutional processes, and institutions - from legislative reform to judicial interpretation, rights, and emerging trends.
Repenser le Constitutionnalisme à l'âge de la Mondialisation et de la Privatisation
Hélène Ruiz Fabri and Michel Rosenfeld
Au moment où la mondialisation met en question le rôle de l'État-nation, et sa position comme centre de gravité de l'ordre constitutionnel, il devient important de réexaminer les frontières exactes du champ du droit constitutionnel. A-t-il subi une érosion graduelle ? Ou s'est-il, au contraire, étendu au-delà de ses frontières traditionnelles ? Le droit constitutionnel a-t-il changé dans sa nature, sa fonction ou son contenu ? Comme le montrent les articles inclus dans cet ouvrage, les points de vue sont contrastés. Certains soutiennent que le droit constitutionnel s'est internationalisé, d'autres que le droit international s'est constitutionnalisé, d'autres encore que les réseaux privés ont engendré leur propre ordre constitutionnel. Une telle prolifération renforce-t-elle ou au contraire affaiblit-elle l'ordre constitutionnel ? Et la multiplication de régimes juridiques, chacun constitutionnalisé à sa manière, est-elle cohérente avec le type de hiérarchie et d'unité juridique qui protégeait jusqu'ici contre des obligations juridiques incompatibles dans un cadre traditionnellement garanti par la constitution de l'État-nation ? L'ouvrage, issu des travaux de deux conférences internationales, offre un éventail de points de vue sur ces questions essentielles.
Fashion Law: A Guide for Designers, Fashion Executives and Attorneys, 1st Edition
Guillermo C. Jimenez and Barbara Kolsun
In a highly competitive global market, fashion designers and executives need state, federal, and international laws to protect their intellectual property―their brands and the products by which their customers recognize them. Written agreements are essential for the successful management of any fashion business. Fashion Law provides a guide to such vital issues as the application of copyright, patent, trademark; agreements for licensing, selling, and marketing fashion goods; and laws affecting treatment of employees. Fashion law is an emerging legal specialty, and this text provides a foundation for fashion professionals and their legal advisors to work together effectively.
Civil Rights Stories
Myriam E. Gilles and Risa L. Goluboff
This book provides students with a three-dimensional picture of the most important cases that are addressed in civil rights courses. These stories give the students and faculty members a deeper understanding of the historical and cultural background of the cases and an insight into their long-term impact on the development of civil rights law.
Derrida and Legal Philosophy
Peter Goodrich, Florian Hoffmann, Michel Rosenfeld, and Cornelia Cornelia
From early in his career Jacques Derrida was intrigued by law. Over time, this fascination with law grew more manifest and he published a number of highly influential analyses of ethics, justice, violence and law. This book brings together leading scholars in a variety of disciplines to assess Derrida's importance for and impact upon legal studies.
Nietzsche and Law
Francis J. Mootz III and Peter Goodrich
Legal scholars have only recently begun to address the radical challenges for law and legal theory that follow from Friedrich Nietzsche's pathbreaking work. This collection brings together articles from leading thinkers who consider how Nietzsche's philosophical and rhetorical interventions illuminate the failures of contemporary legal theory. Part One considers the connections between law, political philosophy and Nietzsche's genealogy. Part Two provides a number of competing interpretations of Nietzsche's relevance for legal hermeneutics. Part Three includes articles that chart a course for legal critique that remains true to Nietzsche's radical character. The work of prominent philosophers, including P. Christopher Smith, is joined with the work of leading legal theorists, including Philippe Nonet and leading rhetoricians, including Marianne Constable, to provide complex and sophisticated overview of the manner in which Nietzsche problematizes law and legal theory.
Law, Text, Terror : Essays for Pierre Legendre
Peter Goodrich, Lior Barshack, and Anton Schütz
The essays collected here under the governing signs, Law, Text, Terror have their origins in a singular and topical desire. Their motive is most immediately that of acknowledging the massive and eccentric contribution of the philologist, psychoanalyst and Romanist jurist Pierre Legendre to the study of legal institutions and juridical practices. He has unceasingly asked the question 'why law?' and in endeavouring to answer that question, in the course of over twenty-five books published during the last forty years, he has traversed a unique and uniquely idiosyncratic body of disciplines and knowledges relevant to the symbolic forms and institutional functions of the Western legal order. These essays reflect that singularity of drive as well as that diversity of scholarly interests by taking up, playing with, varying and developing the themes of text and terror, law and territory, that Legendre either introduced or made peculiarly his own.
Rabbinic and Lay Communal Authority
Suzanne Last Stone
This collection of essays portrays a candid picture of the contemporary conditions and tensions that shape the relationship between the rabbinate and the lay community. It presents a range of historical, political, sociological and Jewish legal perspectives that provide insights and perspectives on the question: Who governs the Jewish community?
Hegel's Theory of the Subject
David G. Carlson
Hegelian philosophy is now enjoying an enormous renaissance in the English-speaking world. At the very centre of his work is the monumental Science of Logic. Hegel's theory of subjectivity, which comprises the final third of the Science of Logic, has been comparatively neglected. This volume collects 15 essays on various aspects of Hegel's theory of subjectivity. For Hegel, substance is subject. Anyone aspiring to understand Hegel's philosophy cannot afford to neglect this central topic.
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