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As the push for criminal legal reform continues around the world and the impact of progressive prosecutors or bail reform is still being unpacked, the future of the criminal legal system is up for debate. Much like the creation of the multidoor civil courthouse—with options for negotiation, mediation, and other processes—what should a multidoor criminal courthouse look like in the future? How should evolving processes of restorative justice, problem solving courts, diversion sentencing, bail reform, and plea bargaining be structured and integrated in the future? What should the role of judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, crime victims, defendants and the public be in this new future? This symposium will present a variety of papers addressing the issue of the future criminal legal system with an eye toward more effective system design and problem-solving for all players.


Law | Legal Education

The Future of the Criminal Legal System: How Should a Multidoor Criminal Courthouse Operate?
