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Blog Post

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Every year, over three million American households are threatened with eviction from their homes. The consequences of eviction are “dire” and affect “every facet of life” that go beyond someone’s physical safety and livelihood. For instance, evictions may leave people unhoused, “[fracture] the integrity of their families, [crush] their livelihoods, [damage] their mental and physical health and their safety, [deprive] them of their place in community and, ultimately, [tear] apart the fabric of their communities.” While Americans of all backgrounds face evictions, there are often large racial, ethnic, and gender disparities among those who face eviction with Black Americans, women, and those with children being the most vulnerable. Specifically, “[n]early a quarter of Black tenants live in a county where the eviction rate for Black tenants is double the rate for white tenants.” Additionally, Black women with children were threatened with eviction at a rate of 28% while those without children faced a rate of 16%.

This post was originally published on the Cardozo Journal of Equal Rights and Social Justice website on February 2, 2024. The original post can be accessed via the Archived Link button above.
