Cardozo Law Review
Vol. 8, Iss. 4
Prefatory Matter
Elliott J. Weiss
The Genesis and Goals of the ALI Corporate Governance Project
Roswell B. Perkins
Genesis: A Panel Response
Donald E. Schwartz, Robert C. Clark, Michael P. Dooley, Roswell B. Perkins, and William W. Bratton Jr.
The State Competition Debate in Corporate Law
Roberta Romano
The Future of Corporate Federalism: State Competition and the New Trend Toward De Facto Federal Minimum Standards
John C. Coffee Jr.
State Competition: Panel Response
Andrew G.T. Moore II, Bayless Manning, Elliott J. Weiss, Roberta Romano, and John C. Coffee Jr.
The Struggle for Corporate Responsibility
A. A. Sommer Jr.
Corporate Responsibility: Panel Response
Joseph Grundfest, Thomas J. Lykos Jr., and Christopher D. Stone