Cardozo Law Review
Vol. 18, Iss. 3
The Decline of the Nation State and Its Effects on Constitutional and International Economic Law
Prefatory Matter
The Decline of the Western Nation State and the Rise of the Regime of International Federalism
John O. McGinnis
A Public Choice Model of International Economic Cooperation and the Decline of the Nation State
Enrico Colombatto and Jonathan R. Macey
New Global Potentates: Nongovernmental Organizations and the “Unregulated” Marketplace
Peter J. Spiro
“Economic” Issues and Political Participation: The Evolving Boundaries of International Federalism
Kenneth W. Abbott
The Decline of the Nation State in International Trade and Investment
William H. Lash III
National Sovereignty and Transnational Problem Solving
Judith H. Bello
The Role of a Central Bank in a Bubble Economy
Geoffrey P. Miller
The Persistent Nation State and the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act
Mark L. Movsesian
National Laws and International Markets: Strategies of Cooperation and Harmonization in the Enforcement of Competition Law
Spencer Weber Waller
Hermann Heller - An Introduction
David Dyzenhaus
The Nature and Structure of the State
Hermann Heller
Des Third-Generation Liability: A Proximate Cause
Tracey I. Batt
Judicial Plagiarism: It May be Fair Use But Is It Ethical?
Jaime S. Dursht