
Cardozo Law Review


Stanley Cavell


I applaud the revival of interest in John Dewey and William James, on various intellectual and political grounds, and seek to learn what is at stake for others in their revival. But I also wish to suspend applause-doubtless more a transcendentalist than a pragmatist gesture on my part-for ideas that seem to be gaining prominence within this movement, expressed by writers and thinkers whom I admire, according to which Emerson is to be understood as a proto-pragmatist and Wittgenstein as, let's say, a neo-pragmatist. Perhaps I will be taken as struggling merely over labels; but sometimes labels should be struggled over.


Discrimination, Social Group Issues, Employment, Employment Practice and the Law, Remedies, Radio, Television, Radio and Cable Transmission, Jurisprudence


Civil Rights and Discrimination | Jurisprudence | Labor and Employment Law | Law | Legal Remedies
