Cardozo Law Review
Vol. 17, Iss. 4-5
Prefatory Matter
Paradigms of Law
Jürgen Habermas
Can Rights, Democracy, and Justice Be Reconciled Through Discourse Theory? Reflections on Habermas’s Proceduralist Paradigm of Law
Michel Rosenfeld
Liberties and Popular Sovereignty: On Jurgen Habermas’s Reconstruction of the System of Rights
Ingeborg Maus
Law and Order
Arthur J. Jacobson
Habermas and the Counterfactual Imagination
Michael K. Power
Jurgen Habermas’s Theory of Legal Discourse
Robert Alexy
Jurisprudence and Validity
David M. Rasmussen
The Retrieval of the Democratic Ethos
Richard J. Bernstein
Against Subordination: Morality, Discourse, and Decision in the Legal Theory of Jurgen Habermas
William Rehg
Family Quarrel
Frank I. Michelman
Communicative Power and the Concept of Law
Ulrich K. Preub
The Dynamics of Constitutional Adjudication
Bernhard Schlink
Why Care? The Trouble With Social Rights
Günter Frankenberg
Law and Political Culture
Dick Howard
Habermas's Ideal Paradigm of Law
Gabriel Motzkin
Short-Circuit: A Critique of Habermas’s Understanding of Law, Politics, and Economic Life
William E. Forbath
Habermas and the Postal Rule
Peter Goodrich