Cardozo Law Review
Vol. 14, Iss. 6
Prefatory Matter
Identifying the Jewish Lawyer: Reflections on the Construction of Professional Identity
Sanford Levinson
Jewish Lawyering in a Multicultural Society: A Midrash on Levinson
Russell G. Pearce
The Jewish Lawyer
Jerome Hornblass
Judaism and Postmodernism
Suzanne Last Stone
Monolingualism and Judaism
José Faur
Hatching the Egg: A Child-Centered Perspective on Parents' Rights
Barbara Bennett Woodhouse
On the Margins of Microeconomics
David G. Carlson
Protecting Retiree Medicial Benefits in Bankruptcy: The Scope of Section 1114 of the Bankruptcy Code
Susan J. Stabile
SEQRA’s Too Valuable to Trash: A Reply to Stewart Sterk
Philip Weinberg
Secured Creditors and Section 15(a)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act: The Supreme Court Creates a New Property Interest
Henry Bregstein
Bankruptcy Versus Environmental Protection: Discharging Future Cercla Liability in Chapter 11
Philippe J. Kahn