Cardozo Law Review
Vol. 13, Iss. 5
Prefatory Matter
The Two Faces of Janus: Rethinking Legal Pluralism
Gunther Teubner
Autopoiesis by Definition
Richard Münch
The Idea of a Legal Unconscious
Arthur J. Jacobson
Interpretation Versus Understanding Systems
Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht
The Relevance of Time to the Relationship between the Philosophy of the Limit and Systems Theory
Drucilla Cornell
Law as Discourse
George P. Fletcher
Rhetoric, Law, and the Poetics of Memory
Anselm Haverkamp
The Law as a Medium of Communication
Richard Münch
Autopoiesis and Justice
Michel Rosenfeld
Open Justice in a Closed Legal System?
Bernhard Schlink
Autopoiesis and Positivism
Richard Weisberg
The Breath of Life in the Law
David E. Van Zandt
Autopoiesis in America
Stephen Diamond
Hegel and the Problem of Slavery
Steven B. Smith