Cardozo Law Review
Vol. 12, Iss. 3-4
The symposium, Religious Law and Legal Pluralism, was hosted by The Leonard and Bea Diener Institute of Jewish Law and The Jacob Burns Institute for Advanced Legal Studies.Prefatory Matter
Conflicts Between Religious and Secular Law: Common Themes in the English Experience, 1250-1640
R. H. Helmholz
Comment on R. H. Helmholz, Conflicts Between Religious and Secular Law
Charles Donahue Jr.
Victory in Defeat - Polygamy and the Mormon Legal Encounter With the Federal Government
Douglas H. Parker
Tolerance: The Bridge between Religious Liberty and Privacy
David Rudenstine
Jewish Law and the State's Authority to Punish Crime
J. David Bleich
Self-Defense as a Justification for Punishment
George P. Fletcher
Pluralist Establishment: Reflections on the English Experience
Robert E. Rodes Jr.
The Sovereign Power of the State: A Proposed Theory of Accommodation in Jewish Law
Aaron Kirschenbaum and Jon Trafimow
Interest Analysis and Dina Demalkhuta Dina, a Comment on Aaron Kirschenbaum, the Sovereign Power of the State: A Proposed Theory of Accommodation in Jewish Law
Malvina Halberstam
The Maps of Sovereignty: A Meditation
Perry Dane
Islam and the State
Ann Elizabeth Mayer
Aspects of Interaction Between the Torah Law, the King’s Law, and the Noahide Law in Jewish Criminal Law
Arnold N. Enker
Sinaitic and Noahide Law: Legal Pluralism in Jewish Law
Suzanne Last Stone