Cardozo Memory Project
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To commemorate the 20th anniversary of September 11, we wanted to get an idea of what it was like at Cardozo Law on that particular day and the days and weeks that followed. Within this publication are the responses we received from our call for memories. There are 22 contributors. These contributors include members of the Classes of 2002, 2003, and 2004. There are faculty and staff members, some who were working at Cardozo at the time, and some who were employed elsewhere. These contributions have been very lightly edited for length and clarity and broken up to provide a narrative structure.
In addition to the memories, we have a conversation between Dean Melanie Leslie and Professor Stew Sterk, who was Interim Dean on September 11, where they discuss what it is like to lead a law school during extraordinary times. Finally, to complete this memory capsule, we are including excerpts from the Spring 2002 issue of Cardozo Life. The first article includes the remarks from the memorial service for two members of the Cardozo community we lost that day: Barbara Bracher Olson ’89 and Andrew Zucker ’99. The second article highlights the ways Cardozo alumni helped during September 11 and the days, weeks, and months that followed.
Thank you to our contributors:
Enrique Elliot Adler, Class of 2002
Daniel Biene, Class of 2002
Lester Brickman, Professor of Law (Emeritus)
Benjamin Charkow, Class of 2003
Waleed Diab, Class of 2004
Gary J. Galperin, Adjunct Professor of Law
Jocelyn Getgen Kestenbaum, Clinical Associate Professor of Law; Director, Benjamin B. Ferencz Human Rights and Atrocity Prevention Clinic; Faculty Director, Cardozo Law Institute in Holocaust and Human Rights
Jennifer Golden, Director, Office of International Services, Yeshiva University
Peter Goodrich, Professor of Law; Director, Program in Law and Humanities
Julie Interdonato, Adjunct Professor of Law
Sarah Jones, Class of 2002
Randi (Szalavetz) Katz, Class of 2002
Barbara Kolsun, Professor of Practice; Director, Fashion, Arts, Media & Entertainment (FAME) Law Center; Class of 1982
Burton N. Lipshie, Professor of Practice and Director of Advocacy Skills Training
Lela Love, Professor of Law; Director, Kukin Program for Conflict Resolution; Director, Cardozo Mediation Clinic
Matthew Maron, Class of 2004
Rockwell Reid, Class of 2004
Gabor Rona, Professor of Practice
David Rudenstine, Sheldon H. Solow Professor of Law
Robbi Smith, Director of Externships & Field Clinics
Sherri L. Toub, Class of 2003
Edward Zelinsky, Morris and Annie Trachman Professor of Law
Publication Date
Public History
Recommended Citation
Cardozo Memory Collective, "The Cardozo Memory Project: 9/11" (2021). Cardozo Memory Project. 1.