Case Number

HCJ 5853/07

Date Decided


Decision Type


Document Type

Full Opinion


Facts: MK Ramon was convicted of committing an indecent act. According to statute, a person is barred from being a member of the Knesset or a cabinet minister only if he has been convicted of an offence involving moral turpitude and is given a custodial sentence. The court that sentenced MK Ramon did not give him a custodial sentence and it held that the offence did not involve moral turpitude.

Shortly after serving the sentence of community service, MK Ramon was appointed a member of the government with the position of Deputy Prime Minister. The appointment was approved by the Knesset. The petitioners challenged the appointment on the ground that, in view of the conviction, the appointment was unreasonable in the extreme.

Held: (Majority opinion — Justice Procaccia) There is no legal basis for cancelling the appointment on the ground of extreme unreasonableness. Since the court that sentenced MK Ramon held that the offence did not warrant a custodial sentence and did not involve moral turpitude, the government considered the question of MK Ramon’s conviction before making the appointment and the Knesset approved the appointment, the decision to appoint MK Ramon falls within the margin of reasonableness and judicial intervention is not warranted.

(Majority opinion — Justice Grunis) The ground of unreasonableness in judicial review is highly problematic, especially with regard to a decision of a collective body where it is difficult to know the reasons for the decision. It would appear that sometimes, when the court intervenes in a decision because of unreasonableness, it is actually replacing the discretion of the authority with its own discretion. Consequently, the use of relatively narrower and more concrete grounds, such as irrelevant reasons, irrelevant purposes or discrimination, should be preferred to the use of the ground of unreasonableness. In the specific circumstances, the court is no better placed than any citizen of the state to determine whether the decision is unreasonable. Therefore the court should refrain from intervening in the decision.

(Minority opinion — Justice Arbel) The decision to appoint MK Ramon at this time gives rise to a difficulty in the ethical sphere because it inherently undermines the values of the rule of law, and a difficulty in the public sphere because it undermines public confidence in those persons in the highest echelons of power — the government and its members. Prima facie the decision to make the appointment is tainted in a manner that goes to the heart of the administrative discretion. The rapid promotion to a very senior position so soon after the conviction and the serving of the sentence, after the court said what it had to say on the subject of MK Ramon’s conduct and credibility, sends a negative message to persons in positions of authority, public figures, government officials, potential complainants and the public as a whole. The appointment should therefore be set aside as unreasonable in the extreme. JUSTICES


Administrative Law -- Discretion, Administrative Law -- Judicial review, Constitutional Law -- Basic Law: The Government, Criminal Law -- Conviction
