Document Type
Blog Post
It’s been nearly two years since the largest civil rights movement – the protests stemming from the murder of George Floyd by a police officer – swept the United States. That means it has also been nearly two years since law schools across the country released statements and created taskforces and enacted initiatives to inject principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) into the school halls.
Publication Date
RIPS Law Librarian Blog
academic writing, ACFRL Frames, ACRL, citation gap, DEI, diverse citation, diversity equity inclusion, fair citation rule, inclusive citation, Legal Research Instruction, one-off, one-off instruction, research instruction, scholarly writing, Scholarship, Scholarship as Conversation, Teaching
Information Literacy | Law | Law Librarianship | Legal Writing and Research | Library and Information Science
Recommended Citation
Smith Schlinck, Olivia, "Using the “Scholarship as Conversation” Frame to Explain the Importance of Inclusive Citation" (2022). Library Staff Online Publications. 6.
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Information Literacy Commons, Law Librarianship Commons, Legal Writing and Research Commons