
Last month, I posted to this blog the results of my study comparing the salaries of tenure-track law professors and law librarians who teach required, credit-bearing classes. The reaction was overwhelming; clearly, the proof that law librarians were underpaid – something many librarians had assumed for many years – hit a chord within the profession. Librarians across the country contacted me publicly and privately to express their shock (or lack thereof), their frustration, their personal anecdotes about being underpaid and struggling to make ends meet. Eventually, this culminated in an event hosted by the AALL Research Crits Caucus on Monday, February 28, to discuss the study and the pay disparity facing our profession. The event was held on Zoom and was not recorded.

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RIPS Law Librarian Blog


academic law libraries, Crits Research Caucus, Legal Research Instruction, pay disparity, salary, Teaching, vocational awe, wage gap


Law | Law Librarianship | Legal Writing and Research | Library and Information Science



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