Most Recent Additions*
Principle Versus Politics: The Solicitor General's Office in Constitutional and Bureaucratic Theory
John O. McGinnis
The 1991 Supreme Court Term: Review and Outlook
John O. McGinnis
The President, the Senate, the Constitution, and the Confirmation Process: A Reply to Professors Strauss and Sunstein
John O. McGinnis
A Further Word Against Consensus
John O. McGinnis
Constitutional Review by the Executive in Foreign Affairs and War Powers: A Consequence of Rational Choice in the Separation of Powers
John O. McGinnis
The Bar Against Challenges to Employment Discrimination Consent Decrees: A Public Choice Perspective
John O. McGinnis
Federalist Society Roundtable Discussion
Timothy Dyk, Robert Bork, Nadine Strossen, John O. McGinnis, and Theodore B. Olson
The Partial Republican
John O. McGinnis
The Constitutionality of Legislative Supermajority Requirements: A Defense
John O. McGinnis and Michael B. Rappaport
The Original Constitution and Our Origins
John O. McGinnis
Attributing Too Much: The Fifth Circuit Perverts the Scope of Diversity Jurisdiction
Richard A. Simon
The Pennsylvania Rule: Murky Waters Revisited
Michael Ben-Jacob
After Legal Indeterminacy: Carl Schmitt and the National Socialist Legal Order, 1933-1936
William E. Scheuerman
Secured Lending as a Zero-Sum Game
David Gray Carlson
Economic Analysis of the Law of Evidence: A Caveat
Ron A. Shapira
Mezzanatto and the Economics of Self-Incrimination
Eric Rasmusen
*Updated as of 03/12/25.