Metadata, SEO and other Pun Things: Best Practices for Maximizing Discoverability of Faculty Scholarship
Start Date
28-4-2022 1:30 PM
This 101 Video will highlight basics for improving the discoverability of faculty scholarship. Topics covered include the importance of abstracts, keywords and backend metadata. We will also cover curating profiles, linking profiles and where to post content.
This session had a live Q&A on Thursday, April 28 at 1:30pm Eastern.
Metadata, SEO and other Pun Things: Best Practices for Maximizing Discoverability of Faculty Scholarship
This 101 Video will highlight basics for improving the discoverability of faculty scholarship. Topics covered include the importance of abstracts, keywords and backend metadata. We will also cover curating profiles, linking profiles and where to post content.
This session had a live Q&A on Thursday, April 28 at 1:30pm Eastern.