Publication Date

Spring 1994


New York University Journal of International Law and Politics


Self-determination is a slogan that has captured the imagination of people throughout the world. Numerous U.N. General Assembly resolutions have exalted self-determination, often above the fundamental rights specifically provided for in the U.N. Charter. Notwithstanding these resolutions, in practice, self-determination generally has been applied only to the dismemberment of colonial empires. Its universal application is neither possible nor desirable.

In the Arab-Israeli conflict, self-determination was never truly the issue. The conflict has been deliberately transformed into a claim for self-determination as a political tactic designed to gain the support of third world countries in the United Nations. The issues in the Arab-Israeli conflict are (1) territory, and (2) the existence of a non-Muslim state in the Middle East.



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NYU School of Law


Business Organizations Law | Human Rights Law | International Law | Jurisprudence | Law | Law and Society | Military, War, and Peace



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