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Blog Post
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Arbitration clauses are extremely common in the contracts of athletes all over the world. However, with the recent focus on eliminating mandatory arbitration clauses in employment contracts, the question of whether professional sports leagues will start doing the same remains. In the world of professional sports, arbitration clauses can often be found within a Collective Bargaining Agreement (“CBA”) between a players’ association and an owners’ group. Five major professional sports have arbitration clauses in their CBAs: Major League Baseball (“MLB”), National Basketball Association (“NBA”), National Football League (“NFL”), Major League Soccer (“MLS”) and National Hockey League (“NHL”). Typically, the clauses outline which type of issues are covered under the agreement, and most often these issues are: “injury and non-injury grievances and salary arbitration.”
This post was originally published on the Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution website on February 16, 2024. The original post can be accessed via the Archived Link button above.
Recommended Citation
Makris, Alessandra, "Arbitration in Professional Sports: Is It Time to Move On?" (2024). CJCR Blog. 80.