Document Type
Blog Post
Publication Date
Graduation Year
The California Coastal Commission has asked the Surface Transportation Board (“STB”) to mediate a dispute between the Commission, the city of Del Mar, California, and the North County Transit District (“NCTD”) over the NCTD’s plan to install a safety fence railing along a train line running along the Del Mar Bluffs. The Coastal Commission and Del Mar residents oppose the plan, saying it will damage the bluffs and ruin the community’s view and access to the beach. The NCTD says that the safety railing is necessary to limit access to the rails and stop people from trespassing and being injured. The dispute is an example of how an altercation can progress through different methods of ADR.
This post was originally published on the Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution website on August 18, 2022. The original post can be accessed via the Archived Link button above.
Recommended Citation
Beudert, Nicholas, "Trouble on the Del Mar Bluffs: The Latest Use of Mediation in Land Use Disputes" (2022). Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution Blog. 39.