The Piracy Paradox by Kal Raustiala and Christopher Jon Sprigman, has upended the traditional justification of intellectual property as a necessary incentive to innovation by convincingly demonstrating that innovation, paradoxically, thrives in the fashion industry even without strong protection. Scholarship about “IP’s negative space” has proliferated in the fifteen years since the article’s publication.

In this symposium, Professors Raustiala and Sprigman are joined by leading scholars in presenting their forthcoming articles reflecting on the piracy paradox after a period of change and a tumultuous year where industry, production, and consumer behavior have been severely disrupted.

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Thursday, April 22nd
6:00 PM

Panel Session

Kal Raustiala, UCLA School of Law
Felicia Caponigri, Notre Dame Law School
Aman Gebru, Duquesne University Kline School of Law
Amy Landers, Drexel University Kline School of Law
Andres Sawicki, University of Miami School of Law
Jessica Silbey, Boston University School of Law
Francesca Witzburg, Loza & Loza LLP
Christopher J. Buccafusco, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM