Publication Date



Family Court Review


This article identifies ways that judges, lawyers, researchers, and policy makers may attend to the role of gender and gender dynamics facing same-sex couples upon divorce or other relationship dissolution. When same-sex couples marry, the legal system and society at large may project conceptions of gender onto same-sex couples, often in a manner that conflicts with couples’ intentions and practices. Gender and gender dynamics may affect the bases for dissolution, the financial aspects of dissolution, and the determination of child custody. The article also suggests directions for future research on the impact of gender on the dissolution of same-sex relationships.



First Page



Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC)


Annulment, Custody, Division of Labor, Divorce, Fault Divorce, Same-Sex, Gender, Finances, Marriage, No-Fault Divorce, Parenting, Property Division, Sexual Orientation, Spousal Support, Transgender


Comparative and Foreign Law | Law | Law and Gender | Law and Society | Sexuality and the Law



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