
Cardozo Law Review



Harmonia is an island-state in the Northern Atlantic Ocean. Originally, it was probably populated by a group of Pijon settlers, but the first lasting kingdom on the northern tip of the island was created by the Lalo settlers who arrived from Europe around 1500. Other parts of the island were populated by subsequent waves of the Pijons and many other groups, including the Gueras. All of these groups lived in relative peace in a loose confederation until about the late 1940s. At that time, the Great October fratricidal civil war broke out and lasted for nearly five years. At the end of this civil war Harmonia became a centralized and secular parliamentary democracy operating under the aegis of an international United Nations-sponsored peace keeping mission known as UNHARM, which oversaw the transition to peace. The seven countries that formed part of UNHARM were: France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Italy, the United Kingdom, and the United States. UNHARM established the Constitution as the supreme law of Harmonia. This Constitution was submitted to a referendum and adopted after being endorsed by sixty-three percent of the eligible voters in Harmonia.



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