
Cardozo Law Review


It seems somewhat churlish at the end of so much discussion, at the terminus of the circulation of so extensive a commentary and critical appraisal of a single text, to offer further doubts, to intimate certain additional, and worse, extraneous criticisms of Jurgen's contribution to jurisprudence. Nonetheless, there is a tangible theme of misunderstanding, noncomprehension, and failed communication that has accompanied the debate in this conference and can act as the proximate emblem of the following intervention. This essay will simply suggest that there is little in Habermas's study of legal discourse and of the conditions under which the rule of law may be possible that either pertains to law or could be otherwise related to the institutions or classifications of any contemporary jurisprudence. This paper will therefore offer a laconic, ephemeral, and possibly cryptic commentary upon a certain tone in Jurgen's recent works.


Contracts, Health, Industry, Philosophy


Contracts | Law | Philosophy
