
Cardozo Law Review


This symposium issue of the Cardozo Law Review which coincides with the English publication of Jurgen Habermas's Between Facts and Norms: Contributions to a Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy, represents the culmination of an extraordinary interdisciplinary and intercontinental intellectual journey. The papers published in this issue were first presented at a conference held at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law on September 20 and 21, 1992, in which Jurgen Habermas and thirty-two scholars from the United States, Germany, and many other countries, representing the fields of law, philosophy, sociology, and political science engaged in two days of intense, open, and wide-ranging discussion on virtually every major subject addressed by Habermas in his seminal book. Between Facts and Norms represents "a monumental achievement ... reminiscent, by virtue of its systematic and comprehensive nature, of Max Weber's sociology of law and of Hegel's philosophy of law" which will undoubtedly generate fruitful intellectual debate for several generations. The Cardozo conference, which took place at the time of the publication of the original German version of Between Facts and Norms, thus constitutes the first in-depth discussion of Habermas's book, and in view of the prominence of the participants, the broad range of views which they represent, and the scope and quality of their contributions, is likely to frame the debate over Habermas's highly original and provocative theories of law and democracy for the foreseeable future. Moreover, this symposium issue also includes the lengthy, in-depth Reply to Symposium Participants, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law written by Habermas after the conference which contains many further elaborations of some of the most salient issues tackled by Habermas in his book, and thus amounts to a veritable companion volume to that book.


Jurisprudence, Law and Society, National Security, Weapons, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Politics (General)


Jurisprudence | Law | Law and Society | National Security Law
