Cardozo Law Review
Sometimes, apparently unrelated bodies of thought turn out to contain and express common themes. To our surprise, we found a set of common themes and concerns running through three bodies of theory that might otherwise appear unconnected: environmental ethics, civic republicanism, and commodification. In very different contexts, authors in all three areas seemed to ask some very similar questions. Collected together, these questions comprise a novel critique of the economic analysis of law-a "moral" critique that is quite different from technical and distributional critiques that have been offered in the past.
Economics Law, Jurisprudence, Health, Politics (General), Federalism, Political Theories and Ideologies
Jurisprudence | Law
Recommended Citation
Jane B. Baron & Jeffrey L. Dunoff,
Against Market Rationality: Moral Critiques of Economic Analysis in Legal Theory,
Cardozo L. Rev.
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