Cardozo Law Review
In our media age, more and more people are famous just for being famous, rather than for any particular achievement, notorious or otherwise. We spend a good deal of time transfixed by "celebrities" known for no obvious qualities other than fame itself. Francis Lieber, once this country's most respected law professor, of whom it was written in 1873 that "his fame will be secure in the lap of history," presents the opposite case: he is forgotten despite great accomplishment. At best, one might say he is famous for being forgotten. His name comes up, but almost every modem reference to Lieber points out that few remember who he was.
Humanitarian Law, International Law, War, Civil War
International Humanitarian Law | International Law | Law
Recommended Citation
Michael E. Herz,
Rediscovering Francis Lieber: An Afterword and Introduction,
Cardozo L. Rev.
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