Cardozo Law Review
Why does an individual need a lawyer? What use is she to her client? Well, we answer, because the lawyer is an expert. She has a superior understanding of a highly technical field. And, of course, this is usually true. But that is not all. The client needs the lawyer not merely for her legal expertise, but for the management of his aggression. The lawyer offers not just legal defense, but defense against the fury of the drives, on the one hand, and the fury of the superego, on the other. The lawyer operates for the client as an auxiliary ego function, offering him an expanded area of conflictfree functioning in which to pursue potentially creative and adaptive solutions.
Children, Parents and Children, Psychiatry and Psychology, Research, Sexuality and the Law, Air and Space Law, Aircraft, Air Transport, Mental Health, Patients
Air and Space Law | Law | Psychiatry and Psychology | Sexuality and the Law
Recommended Citation
Jean Roiphe,
Aggression, Unconscious Conflict, and the Role of the Lawyer,
Cardozo L. Rev.
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Air and Space Law Commons, Psychiatry and Psychology Commons, Sexuality and the Law Commons